


Heated Art Print on matt Aluminium


Brand Promise


55 x 55 cm


Black wooden floating frame


4+2 et al.

A tribute to the light that Philips gave us for decades and whose factory in Turnhout employed no less than 2,700 people in 2005. Families who were better off because of the strength of their employers. With a brand promise “Let's make things better”, the let's eventually became LEDs... LEDs were an invention that was already made in the 1920s by Russian Oleg Losev. But only after the efforts of Al Gore, who was able to convince the media and the public with the benifite concerts of “Live Earth”, did this promise to make things better come into its own.

Evolution is timeless and the slogan “Let's make things better” still inspires me every day... It is a keeper that is bigger than the brand, that transcends its own times but does not lose value.


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